Beatrix, Big Sister
Beatrix, sorella grande
by Cinzia Ghigliano
All books, Non fiction, Picture books -
Mister Doctor: Janusz Korczak and the Orphans of the Warsaw Ghetto
L'ultimo viaggio
by Irène Cohen-Janca & Maurizio A.C. Quarello
All books, Picture books -
How to Get Out of Here and Most Importantly, When?
Come si esce da questo libro e soprattutto, quando?
by Daniel Fehr & Maurizio A.C. Quarello
All books, Picture books -
How to Read a Book
Come si legge un libro
by Daniel Fehr & Maurizio A.C. Quarello
All books, Picture books -
The Orderly Life of Théodore
La vie rangée de Théo
by Guillaume Corbeil & Cécile Gariépy
All books, Graphic novels -
Bats – Facts and Myths
Fladdermöss - Fakta och myter
by Bengt-Erik Engholm & Lina Blixt
All books, Non fiction -
Summer with Family Amarant
Sommaren med familjen Amarant
by Elin Ruuth & Johanna Magoria
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
We Are Birds – A book about being a bird among feathers, eggs and chirping bushes
Vi är fåglar
by Kristin Lidström
All books, Non fiction -
Castaway Fox
Rävunge bortblåst
by Frida Nilsson & Maria Nilsson Thore
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
Sunday in the City
La domenica in città
by Luca Tortolini & Alessandra Lazzarin
All books, Picture books -
What Do the Animals Say?
Hur låter djuren? Mitt första bestiarium
by Clara Dackenberg
All books, Picture books -
The Bear Spring
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Emma Ekstam
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 9-12 -
There Is No Paradise
Det finns inget paradis
by Oskar Kroon
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 12-15, Young adult -
The Space Postman 4: Panic at the Post Office!
Le facteur de l’espace 4 – Panique à la poste!
by Guillaume Perreault
All books, Graphic novels -
The Animal World – At Our Home
Hemma hos oss
by Emma V Larsson & Maria Trolle
All books, Non fiction -
Science (all of it) in only three questions
Três Grandes Perguntas — (Toda) A Ciência em três
by Philip Ball & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Non fiction -
We Will Love You Then
Vi kommer älska dig då
by Oskar Danielsson & Stina Wirsén
All books, Picture books -
The Little Veterinarian School – Your Cat from Nose to Tail (Copy)
Lilla veterinärskolan - Rabbits and Guinea Pigs from Nose to Tail
by Sara Klinga Myr & Emma Jansson
All books, Non fiction -
Where Were We? On the pleasure and importance of conversation
Onde é que nós íamos? Sobre a importância e o prazer de conversar
by Isabel Minhós Martins, Dina Mendonça & Madalena Matoso
All books, Non fiction -
What Are You Afraid Of?
Di cosa hai paura?
by Carola Susani & Virginia Clericetti
All books, Picture books -
There Was This Woman
C'era questa donna
by Daniele Mencarelli & Beatrice Bandiera
All books, Picture books -
The Man, the Fish and the Sea
L’uomo, il pesce e il mare
by Daniel Fehr & Maja Celija
All books, Picture books -
Overcoming Eating Disorders
Fri från ätstörning. Fakta och tips
by Saga Lindqvist Springcorn
All books, Non fiction, Young adult -
Nan, Thumb and the Rescue Expedition
Morran, Tummen och räddningsexpeditionen
by Moni Nilsson & Anna Fiske
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Dark Ridge series – The UFO
Mörkåsen: Ufot
by Tuvalisa Rangström & Anna Pers Bräcke
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Superskillz 2: Report From a Time Traveler
Superskillz 2: Rapport från en tidsresenär
by Måns Gahrton & Johan Unenge
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
One Hundred Seeds that Flew Away
Cem sementes que voaram
by Isabel Minhós Martins & Yara Kono
All books, Picture books -
At home, we are…
Cá em casa somos
by Isabel Minhós Martins & Madalena Matoso
All books, Picture books -
Where do we go when we disappear?
Para onde vamos quando desaparecemos?
by Isabel Minhós Martins & Madalena Matoso
All books, Picture books -
Don’t Cross the Line!
Daqui ninguém passa
by Isabel Minhós Martins & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Picture books -
Wilder, worse, Smildon
Vildare, värre, Smilodon
by Minna Lindeberg & Jenny Lucander
All books, Picture books -
Do You Want to Be My Pony?
Vill du va min ponny?
by Ebba Forslind & Hanna Klinthage
All books, Picture books -
What Do All the Animals Do at Night?
Vad gör alla djuren på kvällen?
by Ester Chiedza Roxberg & Hanna Albrektsson
All books, Picture books -
The World of Wonders
Underverkligheten. Upptäck hur allt hänger ihop
by Rasmus Åkerblom & Erik Svetoft
All books, Non fiction -
The Point We Are At
O ponto em que estamos
by Isabel Minhós Martins & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Picture books -
Superskillz: Report from a Superhero
Superskillz: Rapport från en superhjälte
by Måns Gahrton & Johan Unenge
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
Mr Magic Cat
O Sr. Gato Mágico
by Henrique Coser Moreira
All books, Award winners, Graphic novels, Picture books -
Nan, Rose, and the Family Expedition
Morran, Rosen och Familjeexpeditionen
by Moni Nilsson & Anna Fiske
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
My Old Lady Friends
Mina tantkompisar
by Ester Chiedza Roxberg & Nathalie Ruejas Jonson
All books, Picture books -
Potluck with Pat and Puck
Knut & Klas på knytkalas
by Malte Persson & Moa Hoff
All books, Picture books -
Jewish Heroines
Judiska hjältinnor
by Karin Brygger, Anneli Rådestad & Joanna Rubin Dranger
All books, Non fiction -
Family Amarant Moves In
Familjen Amarant flyttar in
by Elin Ruuth & Johanna Magoria
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
For a Thousand Blouses a Day
Per mille camicette al giorno
by Serena Ballista & Sonia Maria Luce Possentini
All books, Award winners, Non fiction, Picture books -
Mysteries in Monster Town
Mysteriet i Monsterstaden
by Anna Hansson & Gustaf Lord
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
A Jungle Tale
En djungelsaga
by Jenny Bergman & Lotta Geffenblad
All books, Award winners, Picture books -
Among Dragons & Drag Queens Fairytales
Bland drakar och dragqueens sagobok
by Petter Wallenberg, Erica Jacobson
All books, Picture books -
Everybody Has a Best Friend
Alla har en bästis
by Sanna Larén & Hanna Klinthage
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
The Pinchers and the Eye of the Parrot
Familjen Knyckertz och Papegojans Öga
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Mutants – The Hand of Honor
Mutanterna – Ärans hand
by Ingela Korsell & Daniel Thollin
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
Attention, Brain at Work
Attention, cerveau au travail
by Erik Harvey-Girard & Stéphane Poirier
All books, Non fiction -
The Little Veterinarian School – Your Cat from Nose to Tail
Lilla veterinärskolan - Din katt från nos till svans
by Sara Klinga Myr & Emma Jansson
All books, Non fiction -
Poisonous and Dangerous in Nature
Giftigt och farligt i naturen
by Celia Svedhem & Filippa Widlund
All books, Non fiction -
The Witches Go to the Movies
Häxor går på bio
by Ebba Forslind & Mari Ahokoivu
All books, Picture books -
A Rose, for Example
Por exemplo, uma rosa
by Ana Pessoa & Madalena Matoso
All books, Non fiction, Picture books -
The Lava Disaster or When Ester Was Home Alone
Nappresan, eller när Ester slutade med napp
by Ylva Karlsson & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Picture books -
(What is) Home?
(What is) Home?
by Carl Johanson
All books, Non fiction, Picture books, Unpublished projects -
Our Bloody History
Vår blodiga historia. Revolution och isberg
by Annika Meijer & Lina Blixt
All books, Non fiction -
Mira Broom and Tom Hat – series
Mira Kvast och Tom Hatt - Trolldomsboken
by Jan Sandström
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Windflowers and Piss Rats
Vitsippor och pissråttor
by Oskar Kroon & Hanna Klinthage
All books, Award winners, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9 -
Nan, Tarzan and the Detective Expedition
Morran, Tarsan och deckarexpeditionen
by Moni Nilsson & Anna Fiske
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9 -
The Best Class in the World
Bästa klassen i världen
by Ellen Karlsson & Karin Cyrén
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The First Christmas Tree
Le premier arbre de Noël
by Ovila Fontaine & Charlotte Parent
All books, Picture books -
The Pinchers and the Silver Cup
Familjen Knyckertz och silverpokalen
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Bim’s World. The Class Trip
Bims värld. Klassresan
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Jenny Jordahl
All books, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
It’s Raining Hearts
Det regnar hjärtan
by Gloria Kisekka-Ndawula & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Picture books -
To Comfort a Monster
Att trösta ett monster
by Jesper Cederstrand & Clara Dackenberg
All books, Picture books -
Nan, Frankie and the Monster Expedition
Morran, Frasse och monsterexpeditionen
by Moni Nilsson & Anna Fiske
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9 -
The Big Book of Octopuses
Stora boken om bläckfiskar
by Celia Svedhem & Filippa Widlund
All books, Non fiction -
ROLL series
Rulla - Ambulansen / Brandbilen / Staden / Maskiner
by Carl Johanson
All books, Board books, Picture books -
Obi’s Day
Obi vaknar/Obi är hungrig/Obi badar/Obi säger godnatt
by Carl Johanson
All books, Board books, Picture books -
Mouse Mick and Mouse Mike
Topo Tipo e Topo Tapo
by Roberto Piumini & Irene Volpiano
All books, Picture books -
A Best Friend for Christmas
En bästa vän till jul
by Ylva Karlsson & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Fiction 6-9, Picture books -
All about Kerstin
Allt om Kerstin
by Helena Hedlund & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9 -
The Houses of the Other Kids
Le case degli altri bambini
by Luca Tortolini & Claudia Palmarucci
All books, Picture books -
Bye Bye, Cricket Karlsson!
Hejdå Humlan Hansson
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Ester Eriksson
All books, Award winners, Book to screen, Fiction 9-12 -
The Mutants – The Book of Black Magic
Mutanterna – Svartkonstboken
by Ingela Korsell & Daniel Thollin
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
A.I. – How Could Machines Replace Us?
I.A. - Comment les machines pourraient nous remplacer?
by Matthieu Dugal & Owen Davey
All books, Non fiction -
Best Buddies. The Incredible Story of Dogs and Their Two-Legged Companions
Meilleurs copains. L'incroyable histoire du chien et de son compagnon à deux pattes
by Benjamin Flouw
All books, Non fiction -
The Enchantment of Darkness
L'incanto del buio
by Francesca Scotti & Claudia Palmarucci
All books, Picture books -
Gnu & Badger – It’s Raining
O gnu e o texugo - Está a chover
by Ana Pessoa & Madalena Matoso
All books, Picture books -
The First Day
O primeiro dia
by Henrique Coser Moreira
All books, Award winners, Graphic novels, Picture books -
Bim’s World. The School Ghost
Bims värld. Skolspöket
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Jenny Jordahl
All books, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
Paola Persson Peroni – Has the Last Laugh
Paola Persson Peroni – Skrattar sist
by Emi Gunér & Maja Säfström
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Paola Persson Peroni – Maybe in Love
Paola Persson Peroni – Älskar kanske
by Emi Gunér & Maja Säfström
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Raven – Facts and Myths
Korpen - Fakta och myter
by Bengt-Erik Engholm & Lina Blixt
All books, Non fiction -
The Curiosity Club – The Spider’s Legs (series)
Intresseklubben - Spindelbenen
by Anna Hansson & Maria Andersson Keusseyan
All books, Non fiction -
Horrible Facts About Carnivorous Plants (Series)
Fasliga fakta om köttätande växter
by Anna Hansson & Maria Andersson Keusseyan
All books, Non fiction -
In Your Head! Intriguing facts about the brain
I huvudet på dig! Spännande fakta om hjärnan
by Anna Hansson & Maria Andersson Keusseyan
All books, Non fiction -
Here Are All the Others
Här är alla andra
by Mimi Åkesson & Linda Bondestam
All books, Award winners, Picture books -
Catching the sun, catching some air
Apanhar ar, apanhar sol
by Isabel Minhòs Martins & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Award winners, Non fiction -
Full Speed Ahead! A Short History of the Motorcycle
Pleins gaz ! La petite histoire de la moto
by Francis Léveillée, Charles-Édouard Carrier & Catherine David
All books, Non fiction -
Marie Curie in the Land of Science
Marie Curie nel paese della scienza
by Irène Cohen-Janca & Claudia Palmarucci
All books, Award winners, Non fiction, Picture books -
by Joana Estrela
All books, Award winners, Fiction 12-15, Graphic novels, Young adult -
The Little Veterinarian School – Your Dog from Nose to Tail
Lilla veterinärskolan - Din hund från nos till svans
by Sara Klinga Myr & Emma Jansson
All books, Non fiction -
The World of Maxime
Le monde de Maxime
by Lucile de Pesloüan & Jacques Goldstyn
All books, Picture books -
The Space Postman 3
Le facteur de l'espace - La faim du monde
by Guillaume Perreault
All books, Graphic novels -
The Pinchers and the Lady With the Feather Boa
Familjen Knyckertz och damen med fjäderboan
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Mouth of the Adda
La bocca dell'Adda
by Franca Cavagnoli & Giovanni Emilio Cingolani
All books, Picture books -
Bim’s World. The Night at School
Bims värld. Skolnatten
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Jenny Jordahl
All books, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
The Mutants – The Experiment
Mutanterna - Experimentet
by Ingela Korsell & Daniel Thollin
All books, Award winners, Fiction 9-12 -
Embla in the Middle of Cosmos
Embla mitt is kosmos
by Majken Pollack & Sara Lundberg
All books, Picture books -
The Karate Girl’s Red Notebook
O Caderno Vermelho da Rapariga Karateca
by Ana Pessoa & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Young adult -
Mary John
Mary John
by Ana Pessoa & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Award winners, Fiction 12-15, Young adult -
Modern Vaesen – Mythological beings of our time
Mosern väsenologi
by Ingela Korsell & Reine Rosenberg
All books, Non fiction -
White Lines (The Vita & Windsor Series)
Vita streck (Vita och Öjvind serien)
by Sara Lundberg
All books, Picture books -
It’s All That Cat’s Fault
Tutta colpa di quel gatto
by Mariapaola Pesce & Lorenzo Carlacchiani
All books, Picture books -
Rudyard. The Child with Glasses
Rudyard. Il bambino con gli occhiali
by Cinzia Ghigliano
All books, Non fiction, Picture books -
Outside – A Guide to Discovering Nature
Lá Fora
by Bernardo P. Carvalho, Inês Teixeira Do Rosário & Maria Ana Peixe Dias
All books, Award winners, Non fiction -
The Sailor’s Tear / Teddy Atwater
Nalle Havsöga
by Malte Persson & Bill Bragg
All books, Picture books -
Listen to the Little Voice Inside You: Good Advice from Animal Friends
Dança quando chegares ao fim: Bons conselhos de amigos animai
by Richard Zimler & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Picture books -
The Crocodile Adventure
Krokodiljakten eller när Ester kom bort i affären
by Ylva Karlsson & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Picture books -
Kerstin, the Sun, and the Love
Kerstin solen och kärleken
by Helena Hedlund, Katarina Strömgård
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Love Is Wanting You to Be Here
Kärleken är att jag vill att du finns
by Oskar Kroon
All books, Book to screen, Young adult -
Inside – A Guide to Discovering the Brain
Cá Dentro
by Isabel Minhós Martins, Maria Manuel Pedrosa & Madalena Matoso
All books, Non fiction -
Seeing Invisible Things
Como ver coisas invisiveis
by Isabel Minhós Martins & Madalena Matoso
All books, Non fiction -
Hola, Cricket Karlsson
Hola Humlan Hansson
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Ester Eriksson
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 9-12 -
Fun Sports: Olympic Curiosities
Drôles de sports: Curiosités olympiques
by Simon Drouin & Cécile Gariépy
All books, Non fiction -
Everything is Wrong!
Allt ät fel
by Kajsa Gordan, Sofia Nordin & Matilda Salmén
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9 -
The Wildebeest and the Badger
O gnu e o texugo
by Ana Pessoa & Madalena Matoso
All books, Picture books -
What Is It For?
Para que serve?
by José Maria Vieira Mendes & Madalena Matoso
All books, Award winners, Non fiction, Picture books -
Plasticus Maritimus
Plasticus Maritimus, uma espécie invasora
by Ana Pêgo, Bernardo P. Carvalho, & Isabel Minhós Martins
All books, Non fiction, Picture books -
It’s All So Big
Tudo tão grande
by Isabel Minhós Martins & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Picture books -
I Like, Therefore I Am
Gosto, logo existo
by Bernardo P. Carvalho & Isabel Meira
All books, Fiction 12-15, Non fiction -
Here Is a Good Place
Aqui é um bom lugar
by Ana Pessoa & Joana Estrela
All books, Award winners, Graphic novels, Young adult -
by Bernardo P. Carvalho & Ana Pessoa
All books, Award winners, Graphic novels, Young adult -
Atlas of Travels and Explorers
Atlas das viagens e dos exploradores
by Isabel Minhós Martins & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Award winners, Non fiction, Picture books -
My Uncle Guido Is a Bricklayer
Mio zio Guido fa il muratore
by Sgaldramuni & Irene Volpiano
All books, Picture books -
Louis Undercover
Louis parmi les spectres
by Fanny Britt & Isabelle Arsenault
All books, Graphic novels, Picture books -
Jane, the Fox, and Me
Jane, le renard & moi
by Fanny Britt & Isabelle Arsenault
All books, Award winners, Graphic novels, Picture books -
They All Saw It
Tutti lo hanno visto
by Margaret Wise Brown & Ylla
All books, Classics, Picture books -
The Florist of Sarajevo
La fioraia di Sarajevo
by Mario Boccia & Sonia Maria Luce Possentini
All books, Picture books -
Merry Christmas, Little Leek
God jul, Lilla Lök
by Frida Nilsson & Maria Nilsson Thore
All books, Fiction 6-9, Picture books -
Walter Schnaffs’s Adventure
L'avventura di Walter Schnaffs
by Guy de Maupassant & Giovanni Emilio Cingolani
All books, Classics -
Sacred Monsters: Journey into the Heart of the Volcanoes
Monstres Sacrés
by Julie Roberge & Aless MC
All books, Award winners, Non fiction -
The Story of the Wild Huntsman
Die Geschichte vom wilden Jäger in Der Struwwelpeter
by Heinrich Hoffmann & Maria Grazia Costa
All books, Classics -
The Angel of Death (The Lost Ones)
by Johan Rundberg
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 12-15, Fiction 9-12 -
The Pinchers and the Curse of the Egyptian Cat
Familjen Knyckertz och gipskattens förbannelse
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp
Aladino e la lampada magica
by Nadia Terranova & Lorenzo Mattotti
All books, Classics, Picture books -
The Hunting of the Snark
La caccia allo Squarlo
by Lewis Carroll, Peter Newell & Cinzia Ghigliano
All books, Classics, Picture books -
Pelican Here, Pelican There
Pelican Here Pelican There
by Leonard Weisgard
All books, Classics, Picture books -
The Fox Without the Crow
La volpe senza il corvo
by Pascale Petit & Gérard DuBois
All books, Classics, Picture books -
The Island of Shadows
L'isola delle ombre
by Davide Calì & Claudia Palmarucci
All books, Picture books -
Good Morning Roj!, Good Night Roj!, Roj at Preschool, Roj at the Store
Godmorgon Roj!, Godnatt Roj!, Roj på förskolan, Roj i affären
by Ellen Karlsson & Lisen Adbåge
All books, Board books -
When Little Children Sleep
Når de små søde børn sover
by Jonas Kleinschmidt & Lillian Brøgger
All books, Picture books -
We Go To the Park
Vi går till parken
by Sara Stridsberg & Beatrice Alemagna
All books, Award winners, Picture books -
More Vaesen – Creatures in Nordic Folklore
Mer väsenologi
by Ingela Korsell & Reine Rosenberg
All books, Non fiction -
The Land of Lindworms
Lindormars land
by Frida Nilsson
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
Little Fox Falls Asleep
Visst kan Lillis räv sova – din guide till bättre sömn
by Hanna Bergenkull & Maria Trolle
All books, Non fiction, Picture books -
Curie & Co – Amazing Women Who Have Been Awarded the Nobel Prize
Curi & Co - Coola kvinnor som fått Nobelpriset
by Annika Meijer & Helena Frank
All books, Non fiction -
The Secrets of Cricket Karlsson
Humlan Hanssons hemligheter
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Ester Eriksson
All books, Award winners, Book to screen, Fiction 9-12 -
The Moon, the Being and I
Månen, varelsen och jag
by Ylva Karlsson & Sofia Falkenhem
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
In King Kaan’s Claws
I kung Kaans klor
by Mårten Melin & Johanna Kristiansson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Paola Persson Peroni – Everyone’s Friend
Paola Persson Peroni – Allas vän
by Emi Gunér & Maja Säfström
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
From Apes to Homo Sapiens
Från apa till sapiens – Mänsklighetens historia
by Bengt-Erik Engholm & Jonna Björnstjerna
All books, Non fiction -
Who Owns the Clouds?
À qui appartiennent les nuages?
by Mario Brassard & Gérard DuBois
All books, Award winners, Picture books -
Behind the Fridge
Derrière le frigo
by François Turcot & Christophe Jacques
All books, Picture books -
The Forgotten Garden Party
Den försvunna trädgårdsfesten
by Cecilia Heikkilä
All books, Picture books -
The Dummy Adventure, Or When Ester Stopped Using Dummies
Nappresan, eller när Ester slutade med napp
by Ylva Karlsson & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Picture books -
My First Birds / Fish / Trees / Insects / Berries & Mushrooms / Winter Animals (Discover Nature Series)
Mina första fiskar / Mina första fåglar / Mina första träd /Mina första insekter / Mina första bär & svampar / Mina första vinter djur
by Emma Jansson
All books, Non fiction -
Ghost Poets and Castle Rhymers
Spökdiktare och slottspoeter
by Tove Berggren & Hanna Granlund
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
What is Stumpy Thinking?
Vad tänker Knodden?
by George Johansson & Anna-Clara Tidholm
All books, Classics, Picture books -
Yesterday, When I Was a Baby
Hier, quand jétais bébé
by Baptiste Ansallem & Laurent Turcot
All books, Picture books -
The Summer of Diving
by Sara Stridsberg & Sara Lundberg
All books, Award winners, Picture books -
The 13th Avenue
13e avenue, tome 1
by François Vigneault & Geneviève Pettersen
All books, Graphic novels, Young adult -
Waiting for the Wind (Rhubarb Lemonade)
Vänta på vind
by Oskar Kroon
All books, Award winners, Book to screen, Fiction 9-12 -
Kerstin, Life, and Death
Kerstin, livet och döden
by Helena Hedlund & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9 -
The Pinchers and Paul Eesman’s Secret
Familjen Knyckertz och Ismans hemlighet
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Pinchers and the Cop Chase
Familjen Knyckertz och snutjakten
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Vaesen – Creatures and Tall Tales in Nordic Folklore
by Ingela Korsell & Reine Rosenberg
All books, Non fiction -
Sleeping, Snoring, Snoozing – A tired book about sleep
Sova, snarka, snooza - en trött bok om sömn
by Katarina Kuick & Elin Lindell
All books, Non fiction -
The Constellis of the Deep
Le constellis des profondeurs
by Benjamin Flouw
All books, Non fiction, Picture books -
The Space Postman 2
Le facteur de l'espace - Les pilleurs à moteurs
by Guillaume Perreault
All books, Graphic novels -
Scared as a Rabbit, Silly as a Goose
Rädd som en hare, dum som en gås
by Marcus-Gunnar Pettersson
All books, Picture books -
Vi är LAJON!
by Jens Mattsson & Jenny Lucander
All books, Award winners, Picture books -
The Key To Hindside (Hindside Triology)
Nyckeln till Hinsides
by Albin Alvtegen & Karin Alvtegen
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
Being Kerstin
Att vara Kerstin
by Helena Hedlund, Katarina Strömgård
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9 -
We Were Going to Sail Around the World
Vi skulle segla runt jorden
by Anna Sundström Lindmark & Elisabeth Widmark
All books, Graphic novels -
Whose Poop?/Whose Tracks?/Whose Bum? (series)
Vems bajs?
by Sarah Watson & Emma Jansson
All books, Non fiction -
The Story of Bodri
Historien om Bodri
by Hédi Fried & Stina Wirsén
All books, Award winners, Picture books -
Ib the Dog (Series)
Hunden Ib, 2013
by Peter Nordahl & Rasmus Bregnhøi
All books, Board books, Picture books -
Brave as a Lion
Modig som ett lejon, pigg som en mört
by Marcus-Gunnar Petterson
All books, Picture books -
The Thirteenth Summer
Trettonde sommaren
by Gabriella Sköldenberg
All books, Award winners, Book to screen, Fiction 12-15, Young adult -
The Truth According to Gunnar & Molly. Something Small and Fluffy
Sanningen enligt Gunnar och Molly. Något litet och fluffigt
by Tove Jonstoij & Tindra Jonsdotter
All books, Fiction 6-9, Picture books -
The Terrible Burner. A Mystery for the Russian Kiss
Den fasansfulla brännaren. Ett mysterium för Ryska Kyssen
by Frida Nilsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Is That Really True, Ester?
Världens mesta Ester
by Anton Bergman & Emma Adbåge
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
I Am Allan’s Babysitter
Jag vaktar Allan
by Johanna von Horn & Charlotte Ramel
All books, Picture books -
That Much Love Can Never Die
Så mycket kärlek kan inte dö
by Moni Nilsson
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 9-12 -
Josh / Uma / Lilly K (series)
Jojje, 5 år / Uma, 5 1/2 år / Lilly K, snart 6 år
by Ellen Karlsson & Monika Forsberg
All books, Fiction 6-9, Picture books -
The Best Thing about Kerstin
Det bästa med Kerstin
by Helena Hedlund & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Award winners, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9 -
We’ll Soon Be Home Again
Vi kommer snart hem igen
by Jessica Bab Bonde & Peter Bergting
All books, Graphic novels, Picture books -
Crow’s Incredible Hitchhiking Vacation
Kråkans otroliga Liftarsemester
by Frida Nilsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Hello, Hair! About the Weirdest Body Part of Them All
Hej håret! Om tidernas konstigaste kroppsdel
by Annica Hedin & Fredrik Swahn
All books, Non fiction -
The Pinchers and the Gold Diamond
Familjen Knyckertz och gulddiamanten
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Freddy Fixer Builds an Electric Car (Freddy Fixer Series)
Mulle Meck bygger en elbil
by George Johansson & Jens Ahlblom
All books, Board books, Classics, Non fiction -
The Thin Sword
Det tunna svärdet
by Frida Nilsson
All books, Award winners, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
Who is Driving?
Vem är det som kör?
by Ellen Karlsson & Monika Forsberg
All books, Board books, Picture books -
Ruth and the Jungle Hat
Rut och djungelmössan
by Anna Ribbing & Ida Sundin Asp
All books, Picture books -
The Pinchers and the Birthday Coup
Familjen Knyckertz och födelsedagskuppen
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Phantom’s Voice (The Witch Knot Triology)
Vålnadens röst
by Johan Rundberg
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
What week!? – When Parents Get Divorced
Vilken Vecka!? – När föräldrarna skiljer sig
by Jennie Persson & Elin Lindell
All books, Non fiction -
You Still Live in My Heart – About Grief and Loss
I mitt hjärta finns du kvar - om sorg och saknad
by Jennie Persson & Elin Lindell
All books, Non fiction -
The Bird Within Me Flies Wherever it Wants
Fågeln i mig flyger vart den vill
by Sara Lundberg
All books, Award winners, Fiction 9-12, Graphic novels, Picture books -
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Voyage au centre de la terre
by Jules Verne & Matteo Berton
All books, Classics, Graphic novels -
The World’s Mostest Ester
Världens mesta Ester
by Anton Bergman & Emma Adbåge
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Vinga Astray
Vinga på villovägar
by Gun Jacobson & Lotta Geffenblad
All books, Classics, Picture books -
Electric Fish
Les poissons électriques
by Erik Harvey-Girard & Stéphane Poirier
All books, Non fiction -
Biscuit and Gordon. The Dad with the Big Shoes (Biscuit and Gordon Series)
Semlan och Gordon. Pappan med de stora skorna
by Moni Nilsson
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
Harry, Gunnar and the Present (Series)
Harry, Gunnar och presenten
by Sofia Nordin & Kajsa Gordan
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
In My Name – A book about being transgender
I mitt namn – En bok om att vara trans
by Moa-Lina Olbers Croall
All books, Non fiction, Young adult -
Emre’s Manual in the Art of Making Friends (Emre’s Manual Series)
Emres handbok i att skaffa sig vänner... och ovänner
by Siri Spont & Jonna Björnstjerna
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Giant from the Sea
Jätten från havet
by Jöns Mellgren
All books, Fiction 6-9, Graphic novels, Picture books -
Go West! The North American Railroad Adventure
En voiture ! L’Amérique en chemin de fer
by Pascal Blanchet
All books, Non fiction -
The Throat Burps, the Heart Beats
Halsen rapar, hjärtat slår
by Lisen Adbåge & Emma Adbåge
All books, Picture books -
The Bathtub. A Story of Everything
Badbaljan. En historia om allting
by Per Gustavsson
All books, Picture books -
Teddy Bruno’s Winter (Series)
Nalle Brunos vinter
by Gunilla Ingves
All books, Non fiction, Picture books -
Great Grandma and Love
Gammelmormor och kärleken
by Anna Ehring & Lotta Geffenblad
All books, Picture books -
Noel and the Magical Wish List
Noel och den magiska önskelistan
by Janina Kastevik
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
The Space Postman
Le facteur de l'espace
by Guillaume Perreault
All books, Award winners, Graphic novels -
Ossian’s Unusual Nanny (Series)
Ossians ovanliga nanny
by Ylva Karlsson & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Fresh Fish
Le Poisson frais
by Christopher Duquet, Brigitte Henry & Nadine Robert
All books, Board books, Picture books -
The Well
Le Puits
by Christopher Duquet, Brigitte Henry & Nadine Robert
All books, Board books, Picture books -
Marguerite’s Christmas
Le Noël de Marguerite
by India Desjardins & Pascal Blanchet
All books, Award winners, Picture books -
What Did You Dream?
Vad drömde du om?
by Solja Krapu-Kallio & Sara Gimbergsson
All books, Picture books -
The Ice Sea Pirates
by Frida Nilsson
All books, Award winners, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
I Become a Bubble That Becomes a Monster That Becomes a Child
Jag blir en bubbla som blir ett monster som blir ett barn
by Malin Axelsson & Klara Persson
All books, Picture books -
Great Grandma, Daisy and Death
Gammelmormor och kärleken
by Anna Ehring & Lotta Geffenblad
All books, Picture books -
The Mittens – a Christmas tale
Vantarna - en julsaga
by Ylva Karlsson & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Picture books -
I Will Try to Describe You Exactly as Precious as You Are
Jag ska försöka beskriva dig precis så fin som du är
by Siri Ahmed Backström
All books, Board books, Picture books -
Those Who Are Left Behind
Dom som är kvar
by Karin Saler & Siri Ahmed Backström
All books, Picture books -
Wake Up, My Chestnut
Vakna min kastanj
by Åsa Mendel-Hartvig & Ane Gustavsson
All books, Picture books -
Good Night, Your Majesty
God natt, Ers Majestät
by Villemo Linngård Oksanen & Åshild Kanstad Johnsen
All books, Picture books -
Your Turn, Adrian
Din tur, Adrian
by Helena Öberg & Kristin Lidström
All books, Graphic novels, Picture books -
All books
- All books (580)
- Award winners (51)
- Board books (23)
- Book to screen (33)
- Classics (23)
- Fiction 12-15 (12)
- Fiction 6-9 (75)
- Fiction 9-12 (57)
- Graphic novels (31)
- Non fiction (90)
- Picture books (340)
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- Unpublished projects (5)
- Young adult (35)