My Old Lady Friends
Ester Chiedza Roxberg & Nathalie Ruejas Jonson

- Original Title
- Mina tantkompisar
- Published
- Rabén & Sjögren, 2021
- Genre
- Picture books
- Pages
- 266 x 220 mm, 32 pp
- Tags
- Ester Chiedza Roxberg, Mina tantkompisar, My Old Lady Friends, Nathalie Ruejas Jonson, Rabén & Sjögren
My Old Lady Friends
Ester Chiedza Roxberg & Nathalie Ruejas Jonson
In our garden, dad has built a treehouse.
“There you and your friends can play robbers,” dad says.
He has built a box car too, which I can race. But the best thing I know is to visit my old lady friends.
Elis lives on Church Street 5 and he has the whole street full of friends! They are all old ladies, but apart from that they are very different. Berit, Simin, Gun, Sivan, and Elis’ favorite: Elsa. There is really nothing special about Elsa, but still she is his very best old lady friend. At Elsa’s, Elis can sit in the hammock and just be. But one day, Elsa is not there when Elis knocks.
A strong book about friendship across generational boundaries, with both humor, warmth and sadness. Ester Roxberg and Nathalie Ruejas Jonson depict the strong friendship between Elis and his old lady friends, and the beginning of something that might become a new friendship.
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