Julia’s World
Julia’s World
Julia Thorell

- Original Title
- Julias värld
- Published
- Natur & Kultur, 2017
- Genre
- Picture books
- Pages
- 32
- Rights Sold
- Chinese
- Tags
- Julia Thorell, Julias värld, Natur & Kultur
Julia’s World
Julia Thorell
When Julia awakens there’s nobody home. Where can they be? Not in the car or behind the house and under the stone there are only ants.
Luckily Julia loves to draw. With the pen in hand, she feels safe. A white fluffy fellow appears who sometimes becomes very big appears and wants to be in control. It takes Julia along on an adventure. A colourful tribute to imagination and the friends we might meet there!
Julia Thorell is an illustrator and author. She is a trained illustrator and graphic designer from Konstfack, the College of Arts in Stockholm and has worked with major Swedish newspapers like Dagens Nyheter and Arbetaren.
She has published two graphic novels, Fri kärlek/ Free Love, and Juni/June.
- Press voices
- About Juni/June:
"... Julia Thorell’s dramatically straight, unruly Juni is a directly striking new acquaintance.” Arbetarbladet
"It is incredibly accurate, both wicked but also tender; you sense the self-experienced.” Svenska Dagbladet
About Fri kärlek/ Free Love:
"The pages are blooming and flooding with blackness, fantasies, digressions.” Aftonbladet
"This year's best album for adults.” Litteraturmagazinet