We Were Going to Sail Around the World

We Were Going to Sail Around the World

Anna Sundström Lindmark & Elisabeth Widmark

Original Title
Vi skulle segla runt jorden
Natur & Kultur, 2018
Graphic novels
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We Were Going to Sail Around the World

Anna Sundström Lindmark & Elisabeth Widmark

“In the future we we’re going to sail around the world.
When we could afford it and I was a bit older. Some people
say dad didn’t want to live. He got a disease.
He couldn’t help it.”

About 1,500 people take their own lives each year in Sweden. It’s the number one reason of death among men aged 20-49. Some of them leave children behind, with grief and questions. Anna Sundström-Lindmark lost her father when she was 19-years old, and uses that experience to tell the story of Agnes, whose father also takes his life. Straight-forward and unsentimental, this book tells the story
of the close relationship of the protagonist and her dad. Days filled with opportunities and surprises, but also days of constant problems and fatigue. And then, the absence he leaves behind and the surrounding’s reactions. Time doesn’t heal all wounds, but you learn to live with them, and with time the bright days become more and more.

A graphic novel for 12+. A book for those who have lived through the same experience, or know someone who has.