The Tower Room

The Tower Room

Helen Öberg, Kristin Lidström

Original Title
Mirando Bok, 2018
Fiction 9-12
Rights Sold
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The Tower Room

Helen Öberg, Kristin Lidström

When Manda-Li follows her grandfather to a seemingly abandoned house, strange things begin to happen.
Is the house really empty? And what happened to the two boys who once lived there?
Manda-Li is drawn into a magic, scary adventure where memories of the past, longing and friendship, dissolve the boundaries between the living and the dead. When the old hidden secrets are revealed, her own life will change forever.

Helena Öberg and Kristin Lidström were nominated for the August prize 2015 for their book Your Turn, Adrian, which also got a special mention at the Bologna Ragazzi Award in 2016. With The Tower Room they have created an exciting ghost story with beautiful illustrations – a perfect book for middle grade book worms!
The book alternates chapters consisting of text only with parts of pure visual narrative in full color.

The Elsa Beskow Prize 2019

Press voices

“A kind of different and healing ghoststory (…). It is like the start of a movie. Like a black and white movie turns into colour, and like the imagination gets wings. (…) The tower room is the perfect size for a picture novel to give to the young teens who thinks that they don’t like to read. But also, to a bookworm that likes to read. Like me.” Gunilla Brodej, Expressen

A picture novel that feels like both CS Levis and Maria Gripes shadow series” Erika Hallhagen, SvD

“The Tower Room is a mystical shimmering story where the feelings flow (..) also extraordinary beautiful when it portrays life in the fantastic old house with flowing colours. This is a book that makes you feels like you are taking a step into a movie when you read.” Viveca Bladh, Kulturnytt

Books by the author