Barbro Lindgren & Eva Eriksson

- Original Title
- Pompe
- Published
- Karneval förlag 2022 (1982, 1983)
- Genre
- Picture books
- Pages
- 92 pp, 172 x 170 mm
- Tags
- Barbro Lindgren, Eva Eriksson, Karneval förlag, Pompe
Barbro Lindgren & Eva Eriksson
Pompe is the name of the irresistable little puppy who is the protagonist of this book and who we get to follow on many exciting adventures. The three stories about Pompe collected in this book – Pompe in the Woods, Pompe Bathes in a Stream and Pompe Takes a Walk – were first published in 1982 and 1983.
“ (…) Despite the fact that the books are almost exactly 40 years old, they are utterly timeless. (…) Some passages are a work of genius. Eva Eriksson’s classic, distinctive drawings in black and white are as much a part of the experience as the text. The small puppy, and all the animals he meets, are drawn with the same care and warmth. Pompe is a lovely story to read aloud to small children, but it is as suitable for dog lovers of all ages.” BTJ
By the same author
The Tale of the Tiny Man
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by Barbro Lindgren & Eva Eriksson
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