If I Lived Somewhere Else

If I Lived Somewhere Else

Alex Howes

Original Title
Om jag bodde någon annanstans
Natur & Kultur, Stockholm, September 2019
Picture books
Rights Sold
Chinese (complex)
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If I Lived Somewhere Else

Alex Howes

This is a story about a little girl who, unimpressed by having to do boring things like keep her room tidy, eat her vegetables and brush her teeth, begins to imagine where she could be instead. Through her imagination we travel to exciting new places, with each idea becoming more fantastic!

But wishing you were somewhere else is not all it’s cracked up to be and she soon realizes that the best place she can be is home.

A sweet and relatable story by British illustrator Alex Howes, who made her debut with the picture book Vem är vilse? (Who Is Lost?) in 2018. Alex is also an animator and puppet maker who has worked on projects such as Shaun the Sheep and Oscar nominated Pirates.