Emre’s Manual in the Art of Making Friends (Emre’s Manual Series)

Emre’s Manual in the Art of Making Friends (Emre’s Manual Series)

Siri Spont & Jonna Björnstjerna

Original Title
Emres handbok i att skaffa sig vänner... och ovänner
Hippo, Stockholm, 2016
Fiction 6-9
Rights Sold
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Emre’s Manual in the Art of Making Friends (Emre’s Manual Series)

Siri Spont & Jonna Björnstjerna

A series with a “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”- feeling set in the high-rise suburbs!

Everyday life in middle school easy to identify with. With lots of humor, a playful layout and many illustrations, these books will appeal to even the most reluctant readers! So far, the first two titles have sold more than 10,000 copies in Sweden.

Emres handbok i konsten att skaffa sig vänner/ Emre’s Manual in the Art of  Making Friends (2016)
Emre is a guy who doesn’t really dare to speak up and take up any space, and who wishes he was braver. And it can get a bit lonely sometimes. The fact that his younger brother, Izzet, is friends with the whole world doesn’t really help either. Emre tries to give himself some advice and writes it all down in his very own manual on the art of making friends. One day a new guy starts in Emre’s class. Ömer is his name, he takes up sapce and is fearless. Sometimes a little too much space that gets him in trouble. But what would happen if Emre and Ömer became friends…?

Emres handbok i konsten att bli känd/ Emre’s Manual in the Art of Becoming Famous (2016)
Emre is tired of feeling invisible. Not even Elias at the rec centre recognizes him, despite going there together for the past three years. His best friend Ömer suggests that it’s time to do something about it. Emre simply has to become famous! And the best way to do that overnight is on YouTube…

Emres handbok i konsten att fixa fest/ Emre’s Manual in the Art of Throwing a Party (2017)
Emre and Ömer are having a class party. But what fun is that, now that the school is sugar free? Fruit is NOT candy! So, in secret they plan their own party, with lots of candy and where everyone is invited, even pets …

Emres handbok i konsten att bli ihop/ Emre’s Manual in the Art of Dating (2018)
Ömer is head over heels in love with Angela, the new girl in their class. He calls her “Angel”. Ömer wants Emre to fall in love with someone too so they can go on a romantic double date together. As often happens, things become chaotic, and not as romantic as Ömer expected. And Emre can’t really tell Ömer that he’d rather not go on a date at all…


Press voices
“…when children come and ask for books that "are about kids that exist for real" – give them this book! And when they ask for something that is “fun to read!”, recommend this book! And also when someone asks for books "like the wimpy kid books”, because Emre’s manuals have handwritten fonts and many illustrations, just like them, but are easier to read. So in short, is this book really to be recommended at any time? To anyone? Even for reading aloud? Yep! Just get it!” – Carolina Landin blogg