There Is No Paradise
Det finns inget paradis
by Oskar Kroon
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 12-15, Young adult -
The Space Postman 4: Panic at the Post Office!
Le facteur de l’espace 4 – Panique à la poste!
by Guillaume Perreault
All books, Graphic novels -
The Animal World – At Our Home
Hemma hos oss
by Emma V Larsson & Maria Trolle
All books, Non fiction -
Three Big Questions: (All of) Science in three big questions
Três Grandes Perguntas — (Toda) A Ciência em três
by Philip Ball & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Non fiction -
We Will Love You Then
Vi kommer älska dig då
by Oskar Danielsson & Stina Wirsén
All books, Picture books -
The Little Veterinarian School – Your Cat from Nose to Tail (Copy)
Lilla veterinärskolan - Rabbits and Guinea Pigs from Nose to Tail
by Sara Klinga Myr & Emma Jansson
All books, Non fiction -
Where Were We? On the pleasure and importance of conversation
Onde é que nós íamos? Sobre a importância e o prazer de conversar
by Isabel Minhós Martins, Dina Mendonça & Madalena Matoso
All books, Non fiction -
What Are You Afraid Of?
Di cosa hai paura?
by Carola Susani & Virginia Clericetti
All books, Picture books -
There Was This Woman
C'era questa donna
by Daniele Mencarelli & Beatrice Bandiera
All books, Picture books -
The Man, the Fish and the Sea
L’uomo, il pesce e il mare
by Daniel Fehr & Maja Celija
All books, Picture books -
Overcoming Eating Disorders
Fri från ätstörning. Fakta och tips
by Saga Lindqvist Springcorn
All books, Non fiction, Young adult -
Nan, Thumb and the Rescue Expedition
Morran, Tummen och räddningsexpeditionen
by Moni Nilsson & Anna Fiske
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Dark Ridge series – The UFO
Mörkåsen: Ufot
by Tuvalisa Rangström & Anna Pers Bräcke
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Superskillz 2: Report From a Time Traveler
Superskillz 2: Rapport från en tidsresenär
by Måns Gahrton & Johan Unenge
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
One Hundred Seeds that Flew Away
Cem sementes que voaram
by Isabel Minhós Martins & Yara Kono
All books, Picture books -
At home, we are…
Cá em casa somos
by Isabel Minhós Martins & Madalena Matoso
All books, Picture books -
Where do we go when we disappear?
Para onde vamos quando desaparecemos?
by Isabel Minhós Martins & Madalena Matoso
All books, Picture books -
Don’t Cross the Line!
Daqui ninguém passa
by Isabel Minhós Martins & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Picture books -
Wilder, worse, Smildon
Vildare, värre, Smilodon
by Minna Lindeberg & Jenny Lucander
All books, Picture books -
Do You Want to Be My Pony?
Vill du va min ponny?
by Ebba Forslind & Hanna Klinthage
All books, Picture books -
What Do All the Animals Do at Night?
Vad gör alla djuren på kvällen?
by Ester Chiedza Roxberg & Hanna Albrektsson
All books, Picture books -
The World of Wonders
Underverkligheten. Upptäck hur allt hänger ihop
by Rasmus Åkerblom & Erik Svetoft
All books, Non fiction -
The Point We Are At
O ponto em que estamos
by Isabel Minhós Martins & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Picture books -
Superskillz: Report from a Superhero
Superskillz: Rapport från en superhjälte
by Måns Gahrton & Johan Unenge
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
Nan, Rose, and the Family Expedition
Morran, Rosen och Familjeexpeditionen
by Moni Nilsson & Anna Fiske
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
My Old Lady Friends
Mina tantkompisar
by Ester Chiedza Roxberg & Nathalie Ruejas Jonson
All books, Picture books -
Potluck with Pat and Puck
Knut & Klas på knytkalas
by Malte Persson & Moa Hoff
All books, Picture books -
Jewish Heroines
Judiska hjältinnor
by Karin Brygger, Anneli Rådestad & Joanna Rubin Dranger
All books, Non fiction -
Family Amarant Moves In
Familjen Amarant flyttar in
by Elin Ruuth & Johanna Magoria
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
For a Thousand Blouses a Day
Per mille camicette al giorno
by Serena Ballista & Sonia Maria Luce Possentini
All books, Award winners, Non fiction, Picture books -
Mysteries in Monster Town
Mysteriet i Monsterstaden
by Anna Hansson & Gustaf Lord
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
A Jungle Tale
En djungelsaga
by Jenny Bergman & Lotta Geffenblad
All books, Award winners, Picture books -
Among Dragons & Drag Queens Fairytales
Bland drakar och dragqueens sagobok
by Petter Wallenberg, Erica Jacobson
All books, Picture books -
Everybody Has a Best Friend
Alla har en bästis
by Sanna Larén & Hanna Klinthage
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
The Pinchers and the Eye of the Parrot
Familjen Knyckertz och Papegojans Öga
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Mutants – The Hand of Honor
Mutanterna – Ärans hand
by Ingela Korsell & Daniel Thollin
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
Attention, Brain at Work
Attention, cerveau au travail
by Erik Harvey-Girard & Stéphane Poirier
All books, Non fiction -
The Little Veterinarian School – Your Cat from Nose to Tail
Lilla veterinärskolan - Din katt från nos till svans
by Sara Klinga Myr & Emma Jansson
All books, Non fiction -
Poisonous and Dangerous in Nature
Giftigt och farligt i naturen
by Celia Svedhem & Filippa Widlund
All books, Non fiction -
The Witches Go to the Movies
Häxor går på bio
by Ebba Forslind & Mari Ahokoivu
All books, Picture books -
A Rose, for Example
Por exemplo, uma rosa
by Ana Pessoa & Madalena Matoso
All books, Non fiction, Picture books -
The Lava Disaster or When Ester Was Home Alone
Nappresan, eller när Ester slutade med napp
by Ylva Karlsson & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Picture books -
(What is) Home?
(What is) Home?
by Carl Johanson
All books, Non fiction, Picture books, Unpublished projects -
Our Bloody History
Vår blodiga historia. Revolution och isberg
by Annika Meijer & Lina Blixt
All books, Non fiction -
Mira Broom and Tom Hat – The Book of Spells
Mira Kvast och Tom Hatt - Trolldomsboken
by Jan Sandström
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Windflowers and Piss Rats
Vitsippor och pissråttor
by Oskar Kroon & Hanna Klinthage
All books, Award winners, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9 -
Nan, Tarzan and the Detective Expedition
Morran, Tarsan och deckarexpeditionen
by Moni Nilsson & Anna Fiske
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9 -
The Best Class in the World
Bästa klassen i världen
by Ellen Karlsson & Karin Cyrén
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The First Christmas Tree
Le premier arbre de Noël
by Ovila Fontaine & Charlotte Parent
All books, Picture books -
The Pinchers and the Silver Cup
Familjen Knyckertz och silverpokalen
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Bim’s World. The Class Trip
Bims värld. Klassresan
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Jenny Jordahl
All books, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
It’s Raining Hearts
Det regnar hjärtan
by Gloria Kisekka-Ndawula & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Picture books -
To Comfort a Monster
Att trösta ett monster
by Jesper Cederstrand & Clara Dackenberg
All books, Picture books -
Nan, Frankie and the Monster Expedition
Morran, Frasse och monsterexpeditionen
by Moni Nilsson & Anna Fiske
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9 -
The Big Book of Octopuses
Stora boken om bläckfiskar
by Celia Svedhem & Filippa Widlund
All books, Non fiction -
ROLL series
Rulla - Ambulansen / Brandbilen / Staden / Maskiner
by Carl Johanson
All books, Board books, Picture books -
Obi’s Day
Obi vaknar/Obi är hungrig/Obi badar/Obi säger godnatt
by Carl Johanson
All books, Board books, Picture books -
Mouse Mick and Mouse Mike
Topo Tipo e Topo Tapo
by Roberto Piumini & Irene Volpiano
All books, Picture books -
A Best Friend for Christmas
En bästa vän till jul
by Ylva Karlsson & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Fiction 6-9, Picture books -
All about Kerstin
Allt om Kerstin
by Helena Hedlund & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9 -
The Houses of the Other Kids
Le case degli altri bambini
by Luca Tortolini & Claudia Palmarucci
All books, Picture books -
Bye Bye, Cricket Karlsson!
Hejdå Humlan Hansson
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Ester Eriksson
All books, Award winners, Book to screen, Fiction 9-12 -
The Mutants – The Book of Black Magic
Mutanterna – Svartkonstboken
by Ingela Korsell & Daniel Thollin
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
A.I. – How Could Machines Replace Us?
I.A. - Comment les machines pourraient nous remplacer?
by Matthieu Dugal & Owen Davey
All books, Non fiction -
Best Buddies. The Incredible Story of Dogs and Their Two-Legged Companions
Meilleurs copains. L'incroyable histoire du chien et de son compagnon à deux pattes
by Benjamin Flouw
All books, Non fiction -
The Enchantment of Darkness
L'incanto del buio
by Francesca Scotti & Claudia Palmarucci
All books, Picture books -
Gnu & Badger – It’s Raining
O gnu e o texugo - Está a chover
by Ana Pessoa & Madalena Matoso
All books, Picture books -
The First Day
O primeiro dia
by Henrique Coser Moreira
All books, Award winners, Graphic novels, Picture books -
Bim’s World. The School Ghost
Bims värld. Skolspöket
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Jenny Jordahl
All books, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
Paola Persson Peroni – Has the Last Laugh
Paola Persson Peroni – Skrattar sist
by Emi Gunér & Maja Säfström
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Paola Persson Peroni – Maybe in Love
Paola Persson Peroni – Älskar kanske
by Emi Gunér & Maja Säfström
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Raven – Facts and Myths
Korpen - Fakta och myter
by Bengt-Erik Engholm & Lina Blixt
All books, Non fiction -
The Curiosity Club – The Spider’s Legs (series)
Intresseklubben - Spindelbenen
by Anna Hansson & Maria Andersson Keusseyan
All books, Non fiction -
Horrible Facts About Carnivorous Plants (Series)
Fasliga fakta om köttätande växter
by Anna Hansson & Maria Andersson Keusseyan
All books, Non fiction -
In Your Head! Intriguing facts about the brain
I huvudet på dig! Spännande fakta om hjärnan
by Anna Hansson & Maria Andersson Keusseyan
All books, Non fiction -
Here Are All the Others
Här är alla andra
by Mimi Åkesson & Linda Bondestam
All books, Award winners, Picture books -
Catching the sun, catching some air
Apanhar ar, apanhar sol
by Isabel Minhòs Martins & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Award winners, Non fiction -
Full Speed Ahead! A Short History of the Motorcycle
Pleins gaz ! La petite histoire de la moto
by Francis Léveillée, Charles-Édouard Carrier & Catherine David
All books, Non fiction -
Marie Curie in the Land of Science
Marie Curie nel paese della scienza
by Irène Cohen-Janca & Claudia Palmarucci
All books, Award winners, Non fiction, Picture books -
by Joana Estrela
All books, Award winners, Fiction 12-15, Graphic novels, Young adult -
The Little Veterinarian School – Your Dog from Nose to Tail
Lilla veterinärskolan - Din hund från nos till svans
by Sara Klinga Myr & Emma Jansson
All books, Non fiction -
The World of Maxime
Le monde de Maxime
by Lucile de Pesloüan & Jacques Goldstyn
All books, Picture books -
The Space Postman 3
Le facteur de l'espace - La faim du monde
by Guillaume Perreault
All books, Graphic novels -
The Pinchers and the Lady With the Feather Boa
Familjen Knyckertz och damen med fjäderboan
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Mouth of the Adda
La bocca dell'Adda
by Franca Cavagnoli & Giovanni Emilio Cingolani
All books, Picture books -
Bim’s World. The Night at School
Bims värld. Skolnatten
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Jenny Jordahl
All books, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
The Mutants – The Experiment
Mutanterna - Experimentet
by Ingela Korsell & Daniel Thollin
All books, Award winners, Fiction 9-12 -
Embla in the Middle of Cosmos
Embla mitt is kosmos
by Majken Pollack & Sara Lundberg
All books, Picture books -
The Karate Girl’s Red Notebook
O Caderno Vermelho da Rapariga Karateca
by Ana Pessoa & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Young adult -
Mary John
Mary John
by Ana Pessoa & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Award winners, Fiction 12-15, Young adult -
Modern Vaesen – Mythological beings of our time
Mosern väsenologi
by Ingela Korsell & Reine Rosenberg
All books, Non fiction -
White Lines (The Vita & Windsor Series)
Vita streck (Vita och Öjvind serien)
by Sara Lundberg
All books, Picture books -
It’s All That Cat’s Fault
Tutta colpa di quel gatto
by Mariapaola Pesce & Lorenzo Carlacchiani
All books, Picture books -
Rudyard. The Child with Glasses
Rudyard. Il bambino con gli occhiali
by Cinzia Ghigliano
All books, Non fiction, Picture books -
Outside – A Guide to Discovering Nature
Lá Fora
by Bernardo P. Carvalho, Inês Teixeira Do Rosário & Maria Ana Peixe Dias
All books, Award winners, Non fiction -
The Sailor’s Tear / Teddy Atwater
Nalle Havsöga
by Malte Persson & Bill Bragg
All books, Picture books -
Listen to the Little Voice Inside You: Good Advice from Animal Friends
Dança quando chegares ao fim: Bons conselhos de amigos animai
by Richard Zimler & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Picture books -
The Crocodile Adventure
Krokodiljakten eller när Ester kom bort i affären
by Ylva Karlsson & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Picture books -
Kerstin, the Sun, and the Love
Kerstin solen och kärleken
by Helena Hedlund, Katarina Strömgård
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Love Is Wanting You to Be Here
Kärleken är att jag vill att du finns
by Oskar Kroon
All books, Book to screen, Young adult -
Inside – A Guide to Discovering the Brain
Cá Dentro
by Isabel Minhós Martins, Maria Manuel Pedrosa & Madalena Matoso
All books, Non fiction -
Seeing Invisible Things
Como ver coisas invisiveis
by Isabel Minhós Martins & Madalena Matoso
All books, Non fiction -
Hola, Cricket Karlsson
Hola Humlan Hansson
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Ester Eriksson
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 9-12 -
Fun Sports: Olympic Curiosities
Drôles de sports: Curiosités olympiques
by Simon Drouin & Cécile Gariépy
All books, Non fiction -
Everything is Wrong!
Allt ät fel
by Kajsa Gordan, Sofia Nordin & Matilda Salmén
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9 -
The Wildebeest and the Badger
O gnu e o texugo
by Ana Pessoa & Madalena Matoso
All books, Picture books -
What Is It For?
Para que serve?
by José Maria Vieira Mendes & Madalena Matoso
All books, Award winners, Non fiction, Picture books -
Plasticus Maritimus
Plasticus Maritimus, uma espécie invasora
by Ana Pêgo, Bernardo P. Carvalho, & Isabel Minhós Martins
All books, Non fiction, Picture books -
It’s All So Big
Tudo tão grande
by Isabel Minhós Martins & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Picture books -
I Like, Therefore I Am
Gosto, logo existo
by Bernardo P. Carvalho & Isabel Meira
All books, Fiction 12-15, Non fiction -
Here Is a Good Place
Aqui é um bom lugar
by Ana Pessoa & Joana Estrela
All books, Award winners, Graphic novels, Young adult -
by Bernardo P. Carvalho & Ana Pessoa
All books, Award winners, Graphic novels, Young adult -
Atlas of Travels and Explorers
Atlas das viagens e dos exploradores
by Isabel Minhós Martins & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Award winners, Non fiction, Picture books -
My Uncle Guido Is a Bricklayer
Mio zio Guido fa il muratore
by Sgaldramuni & Irene Volpiano
All books, Picture books -
Louis Undercover
Louis parmi les spectres
by Fanny Britt & Isabelle Arsenault
All books, Graphic novels, Picture books -
Jane, the Fox, and Me
Jane, le renard & moi
by Fanny Britt & Isabelle Arsenault
All books, Award winners, Graphic novels, Picture books -
They All Saw It
Tutti lo hanno visto
by Margaret Wise Brown & Ylla
All books, Classics, Picture books -
The Florist of Sarajevo
La fioraia di Sarajevo
by Mario Boccia & Sonia Maria Luce Possentini
All books, Picture books -
Merry Christmas, Little Leek
God jul, Lilla Lök
by Frida Nilsson & Maria Nilsson Thore
All books, Fiction 6-9, Picture books -
Walter Schnaffs’s Adventure
L'avventura di Walter Schnaffs
by Guy de Maupassant & Giovanni Emilio Cingolani
All books, Classics -
Sacred Monsters: Journey into the Heart of the Volcanoes
Monstres Sacrés
by Julie Roberge & Aless MC
All books, Award winners, Non fiction -
The Story of the Wild Huntsman
Die Geschichte vom wilden Jäger in Der Struwwelpeter
by Heinrich Hoffmann & Maria Grazia Costa
All books, Classics -
The Angel of Death (The Lost Ones)
by Johan Rundberg
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 12-15, Fiction 9-12 -
One Metre
Un Metro
All books
- All books (557)
- Award winners (50)
- Board books (23)
- Book to screen (31)
- Classics (23)
- Fiction 12-15 (12)
- Fiction 6-9 (73)
- Fiction 9-12 (54)
- Graphic novels (29)
- Non fiction (85)
- Picture books (328)
- Uncategorized (0)
- Unpublished projects (5)
- Young adult (34)