The Pinchers and the Eye of the Parrot
Familjen Knyckertz och Papegojans Öga
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Mutants – The Hand of Honor
Mutanterna – Ärans hand
by Ingela Korsell & Daniel Thollin
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
Nan, Tarzan and the Detective Expedition
Morran, Tarsan och deckarexpeditionen
by Moni Nilsson & Anna Fiske
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9 -
The Pinchers and the Silver Cup
Familjen Knyckertz och silverpokalen
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Bim’s World. The Class Trip
Bims värld. Klassresan
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Jenny Jordahl
All books, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
Nan, Frankie and the Monster Expedition
Morran, Frasse och monsterexpeditionen
by Moni Nilsson & Anna Fiske
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9 -
All about Kerstin
Allt om Kerstin
by Helena Hedlund & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9 -
Bye Bye, Cricket Karlsson!
Hejdå Humlan Hansson
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Ester Eriksson
All books, Award winners, Book to screen, Fiction 9-12 -
The Mutants – The Book of Black Magic
Mutanterna – Svartkonstboken
by Ingela Korsell & Daniel Thollin
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
Bim’s World. The School Ghost
Bims värld. Skolspöket
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Jenny Jordahl
All books, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
Paola Persson Peroni – Has the Last Laugh
Paola Persson Peroni – Skrattar sist
by Emi Gunér & Maja Säfström
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Paola Persson Peroni – Maybe in Love
Paola Persson Peroni – Älskar kanske
by Emi Gunér & Maja Säfström
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Pinchers and the Lady With the Feather Boa
Familjen Knyckertz och damen med fjäderboan
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Bim’s World. The Night at School
Bims värld. Skolnatten
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Jenny Jordahl
All books, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
The Mutants – The Experiment
Mutanterna - Experimentet
by Ingela Korsell & Daniel Thollin
All books, Award winners, Fiction 9-12 -
Modern Vaesen – Mythological beings of our time
Mosern väsenologi
by Ingela Korsell & Reine Rosenberg
All books, Non fiction -
The Angel of Death (The Lost Ones)
by Johan Rundberg
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 12-15, Fiction 9-12 -
The Pinchers and the Curse of the Egyptian Cat
Familjen Knyckertz och gipskattens förbannelse
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
More Vaesen – Creatures in Nordic Folklore
Mer väsenologi
by Ingela Korsell & Reine Rosenberg
All books, Non fiction -
The Land of Lindworms
Lindormars land
by Frida Nilsson
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
The Secrets of Cricket Karlsson
Humlan Hanssons hemligheter
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Ester Eriksson
All books, Award winners, Book to screen, Fiction 9-12 -
Paola Persson Peroni – Everyone’s Friend
Paola Persson Peroni – Allas vän
by Emi Gunér & Maja Säfström
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
From Apes to Homo Sapiens
Från apa till sapiens – Mänsklighetens historia
by Bengt-Erik Engholm & Jonna Björnstjerna
All books, Non fiction -
Ghost Poets and Castle Rhymers
Spökdiktare och slottspoeter
by Tove Berggren & Hanna Granlund
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
What is Stumpy Thinking?
Vad tänker Knodden?
by George Johansson & Anna-Clara Tidholm
All books, Classics, Picture books -
Kerstin, Life, and Death
Kerstin, livet och döden
by Helena Hedlund & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9 -
The Pinchers and Paul Eesman’s Secret
Familjen Knyckertz och Ismans hemlighet
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Pinchers and the Cop Chase
Familjen Knyckertz och snutjakten
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Vaesen – Creatures and Tall Tales in Nordic Folklore
by Ingela Korsell & Reine Rosenberg
All books, Non fiction -
Sleeping, Snoring, Snoozing – A tired book about sleep
Sova, snarka, snooza - en trött bok om sömn
by Katarina Kuick & Elin Lindell
All books, Non fiction -
Vi är LAJON!
by Jens Mattsson & Jenny Lucander
All books, Award winners, Picture books -
We Were Going to Sail Around the World
Vi skulle segla runt jorden
by Anna Sundström Lindmark & Elisabeth Widmark
All books, Graphic novels -
The Story of Bodri
Historien om Bodri
by Hédi Fried & Stina Wirsén
All books, Award winners, Picture books -
The Thirteenth Summer
Trettonde sommaren
by Gabriella Sköldenberg
All books, Award winners, Book to screen, Fiction 12-15, Young adult -
The Truth According to Gunnar & Molly. Something Small and Fluffy
Sanningen enligt Gunnar och Molly. Något litet och fluffigt
by Tove Jonstoij & Tindra Jonsdotter
All books, Fiction 6-9, Picture books -
That Much Love Can Never Die
Så mycket kärlek kan inte dö
by Moni Nilsson
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 9-12 -
Josh / Uma / Lilly K (series)
Jojje, 5 år / Uma, 5 1/2 år / Lilly K, snart 6 år
by Ellen Karlsson & Monika Forsberg
All books, Fiction 6-9, Picture books -
The Best Thing about Kerstin
Det bästa med Kerstin
by Helena Hedlund & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Award winners, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9 -
We’ll Soon Be Home Again
Vi kommer snart hem igen
by Jessica Bab Bonde & Peter Bergting
All books, Graphic novels, Picture books -
Crow’s Incredible Hitchhiking Vacation
Kråkans otroliga Liftarsemester
by Frida Nilsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Pinchers and the Gold Diamond
Familjen Knyckertz och gulddiamanten
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Thin Sword
Det tunna svärdet
by Frida Nilsson
All books, Award winners, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
The Pinchers and the Birthday Coup
Familjen Knyckertz och födelsedagskuppen
by Anders Sparring & Per Gustavsson
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Phantom’s Voice (The Witch Knot Triology)
Vålnadens röst
by Johan Rundberg
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
What week!? – When Parents Get Divorced
Vilken Vecka!? – När föräldrarna skiljer sig
by Jennie Persson & Elin Lindell
All books, Non fiction -
You Still Live in My Heart – About Grief and Loss
I mitt hjärta finns du kvar - om sorg och saknad
by Jennie Persson & Elin Lindell
All books, Non fiction -
Biscuit and Gordon. The Dad with the Big Shoes (Biscuit and Gordon Series)
Semlan och Gordon. Pappan med de stora skorna
by Moni Nilsson
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
In My Name – A book about being transgender
I mitt namn – En bok om att vara trans
by Moa-Lina Olbers Croall
All books, Non fiction, Young adult -
The Giant from the Sea
Jätten från havet
by Jöns Mellgren
All books, Fiction 6-9, Graphic novels, Picture books -
The Throat Burps, the Heart Beats
Halsen rapar, hjärtat slår
by Lisen Adbåge & Emma Adbåge
All books, Picture books -
The Bathtub. A Story of Everything
Badbaljan. En historia om allting
by Per Gustavsson
All books, Picture books -
Teddy Bruno’s Winter (Series)
Nalle Brunos vinter
by Gunilla Ingves
All books, Non fiction, Picture books -
The Ice Sea Pirates
by Frida Nilsson
All books, Award winners, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
Natur & Kultur
- All books (550)
- Award winners (49)
- Board books (23)
- Book to screen (30)
- Classics (23)
- Fiction 12-15 (11)
- Fiction 6-9 (73)
- Fiction 9-12 (54)
- Graphic novels (28)
- Non fiction (82)
- Picture books (325)
- Uncategorized (0)
- Unpublished projects (5)
- Young adult (33)