Beatrix, Big Sister
Beatrix, sorella grande
by Cinzia Ghigliano
All books, Non fiction, Picture books -
Bats – Facts and Myths
Fladdermöss - Fakta och myter
by Bengt-Erik Engholm & Lina Blixt
All books, Non fiction -
We Are Birds – A book about being a bird among feathers, eggs and chirping bushes
Vi är fåglar
by Kristin Lidström
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The Animal World – At Our Home
Hemma hos oss
by Emma V Larsson & Maria Trolle
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Science (all of it) in only three questions
(Toda) A Ciência em Três Grandes Perguntas
by Philip Ball & Bernardo P. Carvalho
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The Little Veterinarian School – Your Cat from Nose to Tail (Copy)
Lilla veterinärskolan - Rabbits and Guinea Pigs from Nose to Tail
by Sara Klinga Myr & Emma Jansson
All books, Non fiction -
Where Were We? On the pleasure and importance of conversation
Onde é que nós íamos? Sobre a importância e o prazer de conversar
by Isabel Minhós Martins, Dina Mendonça & Madalena Matoso
All books, Non fiction -
Overcoming Eating Disorders
Fri från ätstörning. Fakta och tips
by Saga Lindqvist Springcorn
All books, Non fiction, Young adult -
The World of Wonders
Underverkligheten. Upptäck hur allt hänger ihop
by Rasmus Åkerblom & Erik Svetoft
All books, Non fiction -
Jewish Heroines
Judiska hjältinnor
by Karin Brygger, Anneli Rådestad & Joanna Rubin Dranger
All books, Non fiction -
For a Thousand Blouses a Day
Per mille camicette al giorno
by Serena Ballista & Sonia Maria Luce Possentini
All books, Award winners, Non fiction, Picture books -
Attention, Brain at Work
Attention, cerveau au travail
by Erik Harvey-Girard & Stéphane Poirier
All books, Non fiction -
The Little Veterinarian School – Your Cat from Nose to Tail
Lilla veterinärskolan - Din katt från nos till svans
by Sara Klinga Myr & Emma Jansson
All books, Non fiction -
Poisonous and Dangerous in Nature
Giftigt och farligt i naturen
by Celia Svedhem & Filippa Widlund
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A Rose, for Example
Por exemplo, uma rosa
by Ana Pessoa & Madalena Matoso
All books, Non fiction, Picture books -
(What is) Home?
(What is) Home?
by Carl Johanson
All books, Non fiction, Picture books, Unpublished projects -
Our Bloody History
Vår blodiga historia. Revolution och isberg
by Annika Meijer & Lina Blixt
All books, Non fiction -
The Big Book of Octopuses
Stora boken om bläckfiskar
by Celia Svedhem & Filippa Widlund
All books, Non fiction -
A.I. – How Could Machines Replace Us?
I.A. - Comment les machines pourraient nous remplacer?
by Matthieu Dugal & Owen Davey
All books, Non fiction -
Best Buddies. The Incredible Story of Dogs and Their Two-Legged Companions
Meilleurs copains. L'incroyable histoire du chien et de son compagnon à deux pattes
by Benjamin Flouw
All books, Non fiction -
The Raven – Facts and Myths
Korpen - Fakta och myter
by Bengt-Erik Engholm & Lina Blixt
All books, Non fiction -
The Curiosity Club – The Spider’s Legs (series)
Intresseklubben - Spindelbenen
by Anna Hansson & Maria Andersson Keusseyan
All books, Non fiction -
Horrible Facts About Carnivorous Plants (Series)
Fasliga fakta om köttätande växter
by Anna Hansson & Maria Andersson Keusseyan
All books, Non fiction -
In Your Head! Intriguing facts about the brain
I huvudet på dig! Spännande fakta om hjärnan
by Anna Hansson & Maria Andersson Keusseyan
All books, Non fiction -
Catching the sun, catching some air
Apanhar ar, apanhar sol
by Isabel Minhòs Martins & Bernardo P. Carvalho
All books, Award winners, Non fiction -
Full Speed Ahead! A Short History of the Motorcycle
Pleins gaz ! La petite histoire de la moto
by Francis Léveillée, Charles-Édouard Carrier & Catherine David
All books, Non fiction -
Marie Curie in the Land of Science
Marie Curie nel paese della scienza
by Irène Cohen-Janca & Claudia Palmarucci
All books, Award winners, Non fiction, Picture books -
The Little Veterinarian School – Your Dog from Nose to Tail
Lilla veterinärskolan - Din hund från nos till svans
by Sara Klinga Myr & Emma Jansson
All books, Non fiction -
Modern Vaesen – Mythological beings of our time
Mosern väsenologi
by Ingela Korsell & Reine Rosenberg
All books, Non fiction -
Rudyard. The Child with Glasses
Rudyard. Il bambino con gli occhiali
by Cinzia Ghigliano
All books, Non fiction, Picture books -
Outside – A Guide to Discovering Nature
Lá Fora
by Bernardo P. Carvalho, Inês Teixeira Do Rosário & Maria Ana Peixe Dias
All books, Award winners, Non fiction -
Non fiction
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- Young adult (35)