Mirando Bok
Mirando Bok is a small, independent publishing company focusing on picture books, based in Sweden. Mirando means to look/to see. The word can also mean to wonder or to marvel. The different interpretations of their name could describe their aim; to publish visually tantalizing books to wonder and marvel about, stories that awakens both curiosity and questions. Mirando Bok publishes picture books translated into Swedish as well as picture books produced in close connection with different writers and illustrators. The publishing house was founded by Jenny Franke in 2015, and have since then published a number of award-winning and critically acclaimed titles.
Books by Mirando
Your Turn, Adrian
Din tur, Adrian
by Helena Öberg & Kristin Lidström
All books, Graphic novels, Picture books -
What Did You Dream?
Vad drömde du om?
by Solja Krapu-Kallio & Sara Gimbergsson
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We Go To the Park
Vi går till parken
by Sara Stridsberg & Beatrice Alemagna
All books, Award winners, Picture books -
The Summer of Diving
by Sara Stridsberg & Sara Lundberg
All books, Award winners, Picture books -
The Sailor’s Tear / Teddy Atwater
Nalle Havsöga
by Malte Persson & Bill Bragg
All books, Picture books -
The Bird Within Me Flies Wherever it Wants
Fågeln i mig flyger vart den vill
by Sara Lundberg
All books, Award winners, Fiction 9-12, Graphic novels, Picture books -