Bim’s World. The Night at School
Bims värld. Skolnatten
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Jenny Jordahl
All books, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
The Mutants – The Experiment
Mutanterna - Experimentet
by Ingela Korsell & Daniel Thollin
All books, Award winners, Fiction 9-12 -
Hola, Cricket Karlsson
Hola Humlan Hansson
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Ester Eriksson
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 9-12 -
The Angel of Death (The Lost Ones)
by Johan Rundberg
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 12-15, Fiction 9-12 -
The Land of Lindworms
Lindormars land
by Frida Nilsson
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
The Secrets of Cricket Karlsson
Humlan Hanssons hemligheter
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Ester Eriksson
All books, Award winners, Book to screen, Fiction 9-12 -
Ghost Poets and Castle Rhymers
Spökdiktare och slottspoeter
by Tove Berggren & Hanna Granlund
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
Waiting for the Wind (Rhubarb Lemonade)
Vänta på vind
by Oskar Kroon
All books, Award winners, Book to screen, Fiction 9-12 -
The Key To Hindside (Hindside Triology)
Nyckeln till Hinsides
by Albin Alvtegen & Karin Alvtegen
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
That Much Love Can Never Die
Så mycket kärlek kan inte dö
by Moni Nilsson
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 9-12 -
Fiction 9-12
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- Fiction 9-12 (57)
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