Emre’s Manual in the Art of Making Friends (Emre’s Manual Series)
Emres handbok i att skaffa sig vänner... och ovänner
by Siri Spont & Jonna Björnstjerna
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Giant from the Sea
Jätten från havet
by Jöns Mellgren
All books, Fiction 6-9, Graphic novels, Picture books -
Go West! The North American Railroad Adventure
En voiture ! L’Amérique en chemin de fer
by Pascal Blanchet
All books, Non fiction -
The Throat Burps, the Heart Beats
Halsen rapar, hjärtat slår
by Lisen Adbåge & Emma Adbåge
All books, Picture books -
The Bathtub. A Story of Everything
Badbaljan. En historia om allting
by Per Gustavsson
All books, Picture books -
Teddy Bruno’s Winter (Series)
Nalle Brunos vinter
by Gunilla Ingves
All books, Non fiction, Picture books -
Great Grandma and Love
Gammelmormor och kärleken
by Anna Ehring & Lotta Geffenblad
All books, Picture books -
Noel and the Magical Wish List
Noel och den magiska önskelistan
by Janina Kastevik
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
The Space Postman
Le facteur de l'espace
by Guillaume Perreault
All books, Award winners, Graphic novels -
Ossian’s Unusual Nanny (Series)
Ossians ovanliga nanny
by Ylva Karlsson & Katarina Strömgård
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
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- Fiction 6-9 (73)
- Fiction 9-12 (54)
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