Bats – Facts and Myths
Fladdermöss - Fakta och myter
by Bengt-Erik Engholm & Lina Blixt
All books, Non fiction -
Castaway Fox
Rävunge bortblåst
by Frida Nilsson & Maria Nilsson Thore
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 6-9, Fiction 9-12 -
What Do the Animals Say?
Hur låter djuren? Mitt första bestiarium
by Clara Dackenberg
All books, Picture books -
We Will Love You Then
Vi kommer älska dig då
by Oskar Danielsson & Stina Wirsén
All books, Picture books -
Overcoming Eating Disorders
Fri från ätstörning. Fakta och tips
by Saga Lindqvist Springcorn
All books, Non fiction, Young adult -
The Dark Ridge series – The UFO
Mörkåsen: Ufot
by Tuvalisa Rangström & Anna Pers Bräcke
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
Superskillz 2: Report From a Time Traveler
Superskillz 2: Rapport från en tidsresenär
by Måns Gahrton & Johan Unenge
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
Superskillz: Report from a Superhero
Superskillz: Rapport från en superhjälte
by Måns Gahrton & Johan Unenge
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
Jewish Heroines
Judiska hjältinnor
by Karin Brygger, Anneli Rådestad & Joanna Rubin Dranger
All books, Non fiction -
Mysteries in Monster Town
Mysteriet i Monsterstaden
by Anna Hansson & Gustaf Lord
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
A Jungle Tale
En djungelsaga
by Jenny Bergman & Lotta Geffenblad
All books, Award winners, Picture books -
Everybody Has a Best Friend
Alla har en bästis
by Sanna Larén & Hanna Klinthage
All books, Fiction 9-12 -
Mira Broom and Tom Hat – series
Mira Kvast och Tom Hatt - Trolldomsboken
by Jan Sandström
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
The Best Class in the World
Bästa klassen i världen
by Ellen Karlsson & Karin Cyrén
All books, Fiction 6-9 -
To Comfort a Monster
Att trösta ett monster
by Jesper Cederstrand & Clara Dackenberg
All books, Picture books -
The Raven – Facts and Myths
Korpen - Fakta och myter
by Bengt-Erik Engholm & Lina Blixt
All books, Non fiction -
Here Are All the Others
Här är alla andra
by Mimi Åkesson & Linda Bondestam
All books, Award winners, Picture books -
Hola, Cricket Karlsson
Hola Humlan Hansson
by Kristina Sigunsdotter & Ester Eriksson
All books, Book to screen, Fiction 9-12 -
Good Morning Roj!, Good Night Roj!, Roj at Preschool, Roj at the Store
Godmorgon Roj!, Godnatt Roj!, Roj på förskolan, Roj i affären
by Ellen Karlsson & Lisen Adbåge
All books, Board books
Natur och Kultur
- All books (580)
- Award winners (51)
- Board books (23)
- Book to screen (33)
- Classics (23)
- Fiction 12-15 (12)
- Fiction 6-9 (75)
- Fiction 9-12 (57)
- Graphic novels (31)
- Non fiction (90)
- Picture books (340)
- Uncategorized (0)
- Unpublished projects (5)
- Young adult (35)