Child’s Play

Child’s Play

Alessandra Lazzarin

Original Title
Un gioco da ragazze
Orecchio acerbo, 2020
Picture books
210 x 300 mm, 36 pp
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Child’s Play

Alessandra Lazzarin

An afternoon at grandma’s house to play, an afternoon like any other, apparently…
Yet nothing is obvious when there are three little ones playing, and everything can happen! Under the leaves an enchanted world is hiding, the wind that is drying the washing on the clotheslines brings us to an exciting adventure, the somersaults turn us into acrobats in the circus, the hedges hide exotic and fierce creatures…
The delicate hand of Alessandra Lazzarin takes us to a parallel world of little girls and little boy’s imagination, as true and concrete as the “real” one. And the transition to this fantastical world is made even easier and fluent thanks to the sparse and essential text.


Books illustrated by Alessandra Lazzarin