The Excursion

The Excursion

Anders Holmer

Original Title
Nature & Kultur 2024
Picture books
210 x 265 mm, 32 pp
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The Excursion

Anders Holmer

”Are we there now?”
”We are HERE but we haven’t made it all the way THERE yet.”
“So we’re still on an excursion?”

In Anders Holmer’s new picture book, two children stroll through mysterious imaginative landscapes. One of them is a know-it-all, whereas the other one is more uncertain of what is going on. They try on different identities and take on different shapes when they decide to go on an excursion, something they’re unsure of what it is and how it works.

A tribute to children’s ability to create hopeful playfulness and make the world apprehensible. We try to make sense of our lives, but sometimes we have to accept that we cannot make sense of everything, and that’s okay. Maybe we won’t be wiser, but we’ll have fun along the way.

Books by Anders Holmer