Otis is Angry

Otis is Angry

Åsa Mendel-Hartvig & Ane Gustavsson

Original Title
Otis bråkar
Natur & Kultur, Stockholm 2015
Board books
Rights Sold
Chinese (simplified)
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Otis is Angry

Åsa Mendel-Hartvig & Ane Gustavsson

Stina is going to draw a tractor.
So is Otis. A red one.
Stina draws for a long time.
It’s never Otis’s turn.

Otis’ best friend Stina has new crayons: yellow, red, green, and blue. Otis wants to use the red one, but Stina won’t let him have it. Now Otis doesn’t want to play anymore.

This is the fourth book in the series about sweet Otis. It’s a tender story easy to identify with for the youngest children. The soft illustrations in watercolor and pastel make the reader immediately sympathize with Otis and his feelings.

In the same series:

Otis Consoles, Otis’ Mittens, Otis Longs and Otis is Angry.


Press voices

An irresistable book with wonderful pictures and unerring texts.” Ingalill Mosander, Aftonbladet