Jagger, Jagger
Frida Nilsson

- Original Title
- Jagger, Jagger
- Published
- Natur & Kultur, Stockholm 2013
- Genre
- Fiction 6-9
- Rights Sold
- France
Ukrainian - Tags
- Frida Nilsson, Jagger, Natur & Kultur, Trash trilogy
Jagger, Jagger
Frida Nilsson
”More hours passed, until not only my butt felt like concrete, but the entire me. My brain too. I couldn’t think, I was so freezing cold. I wasn’t afraid of the rats any longer. There weren’t any. Astrid was stupid and silly and super mean. So were Allan and George. I wished they’d never been born. No, I wish I’d never been born. That would have been better. Then there would be one less gross fatty on Earth. And mom wouldn’t have to be so darn sad all the time because she had a kid that no one wanted to play with…”
Bengt is being bullied by the kids in the neighbourhood. He’d rather not go outside at all. But every day his mom leaves a note on the kitchen table with errands for him to do, even if it’s only taking out the trash. Bengt doesn’t want to make his mom sad, so instead of telling her he’s being bullied he goes outside. Once, he got his hat thrown in the creek, another time there was mud on his bike seat. The time he met Jagger Svensson was when he got locked in the garbage disposal room. Jagger is a homeless down-and-out dog and not an appropriate friend, according to the parents in the building. The parents smile nicely towards Bengt and his mom and dad, talking and pretending like their kids don’t bully Bengt. The only one who doesn’t pretend is Jagger. He thinks Bengt should come up with the perfect revenge …
Jagger Jagger is a unique story that contains both seriousness and dark humor. Illustrated by Lotta Geffenblad.
Books in the Trash Trilogy
- Awards
- August Prize nominee 2013
Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Literature Prize nominee 2015