Felix the Fox

Felix the Fox

Véronique Boisjoly & Katty Maurey

Original Title
Renaud le renard
La Pastèque, 2012
Picture books
Rights Sold
English North America
Chinese (simplified)
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Felix the Fox

Véronique Boisjoly & Katty Maurey

On Saturday mornings, Felix likes to spend time at Mr Li’s launderette with his dad and away from his noisy baby sister. It is their special time… He draws while dad reads the newspaper; they like to mix patterns and make up stories, throw socks around and eat ice cream on the bench outside. That is when Lily, Mr Li’s mischievous granddaughter, is not around. Because when she is, their quiet Saturday mornings can quickly turn into chaos!

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Press voices
“It's the team's quirky human-animal universe, gentle humor, and close observation that provide the book's ample pleasures---and a big grin of a punch line.”
Publishers Weekly