Broken Telephone

Broken Telephone

Yara Kono

Original Title
Telefone sem fio
Planeta Tangerina, 2018
Picture books
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Broken Telephone

Yara Kono

Have you ever played the “broken telephone”?

On a very cheerful row, the first player whispers a sentence to the second player’s ear, who then whispers it to the third, who spreads the word to the fourth and so on… until the sentence goes around the world!

The broken telephone is a game and now it’s also a book. And on these pages, the words will also transform themselves in a very funny way: swallowed, swapped, chewed, amended, invented… there’s a lot to say about words.

So, shall we say them?

Press voices

“Little ones are entertained by the chops and changes that words are subjected to. But also by the realisation that despite something being whispered into their ear, it’s quite easy to pass on a quite different message.” Hipopómatos na Lua blog

Nominated — Best Portuguese Picturebook Illustrator, at the BD Amadora Awards (2019)