Bengt-Erik Engholm & Jojo Falk

- Original Title
- Blod
- Published
- Natur & Kultur, Stockholm 2018
- Genre
- Non fiction
- Pages
- 32
- Rights Sold
- Norwegian
Simplified Chinese - Tags
- Bengt-Erik Engholm, Blod, easy read non fiction, Jojo Falk, Natur & Kultur
Bengt-Erik Engholm & Jojo Falk
How does it feel when you see someone you like? Does your pulse pound harder? Do your cheeks turn red? That’s your heart pumping the blood faster in your body.
Your blood is vital. It carries nutrients and oxygen right out to your fingertips, and it takes the garbage away through the blood vessels.
The biggest heart there is, is as big as a car and the smallest as tiny as a grain of rice. Your heart is about as big as your fist. There are even superheroes in your blood, the white blood cells! They fight hard to protect you against diseases.
Bengt-Erik Engholm and Jojo Falk’s non-fiction titles are packed with thrilling and peculiar facts, and humorous illustrations. They are informative, personal and fun. The book about fakirs won the Book Jury’s award for best non-fiction title in 2010.
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