Bengt-Erik Engholm & Jojo Falk

- Original Title
- Fladdermöss
- Published
- Natur & Kultur, Stockholm 2012
- Genre
- Non fiction
- Pages
- 48
- Rights Sold
- China
Norway - Tags
- Bengt-Erik Engholm, easy read non fiction, Fladdermöss, Jojo Falk, Natur & Kultur
Bengt-Erik Engholm & Jojo Falk
Did you know that a bat can capture up to 6,000 mosquitoes in a single night? If they’re not able to eat them all they make a small, handy bag from their own wing to store them in? The largest bat in the world measures 170 cm across, and the smallest is the size of a butterfly. And yes, vampires do really exist!
Bengt-Erik Engholm and Jojo Falk’s non-fiction titles are packed thrilling and peculiar facts, and humorous illustrations. They are informative, personal and fun! The book about fakirs won the Book Jury’s award for Best Non-fiction in 2010.
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