Sara Lundberg
Sara Lundberg is educated at McDaniel College, USA, and at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm. She is acknowledged both as an illustrator and as a writer of children’s books and has been nominated to The Nordic Council Literature Award for her works. She has won the August Prize several times, in 2017 for her critically acclaimed The Bird Within Me Flies Wherever It Wants.
Books by Sara Lundberg
Embla in the Middle of Cosmos
Embla mitt is kosmos
by Majken Pollack & Sara Lundberg
All books, Picture books White Lines (The Vita & Windsor Series)
Vita streck (Vita och Öjvind serien)
by Sara Lundberg
All books, Picture books The Summer of Diving
by Sara Stridsberg & Sara Lundberg
All books, Award winners, Picture books The Bird Within Me Flies Wherever it Wants
Fågeln i mig flyger vart den vill
by Sara Lundberg
All books, Award winners, Fiction 9-12, Graphic novels, Picture books