Whose Poop?/Whose Tracks?/Whose Bum? (series)

Whose Poop?/Whose Tracks?/Whose Bum? (series)

Sarah Watson & Emma Jansson

Original Title
Vems bajs?
Triumf förlag, 2018
Non fiction
Rights Sold
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Whose Poop?/Whose Tracks?/Whose Bum? (series)

Sarah Watson & Emma Jansson

Whose Tracks?
An exciting book about animal tracks with new discoveries on each spread. One day when you are out in the woods, you spot tracks – whose is it? A fox, a moose, a lynx, or maybe a bear – who has been here?

Learn to recognize the tracks from of some of the Nordic animals. Let Sarah Watson’s text and Emma Jansson’s illustrations guide you through the forest, and discover who has walked before you on the path.

Whose Poop?
Stop! Stay there! Who has pooped here? Some animals poop on the gound, some from a branch. Small and big, learn to recognize the animals that have walked ahead of you from what they leave behind.
Let Sarah Watson’s text and Emma Jansson’s illustrations guide you through the forest in a playful and entertaining manner.

Whose Bum?
All animals have bums, everyone knows that, right? But how do the bums of the different forest animals look like? Hopefully you’ll know when this book is over! Let Sarah Watson’s text and Emma Jansson’s illustrations guide you through the forest, and see if you recognize the bums of the animals you’ll meet!


Sarah Watson made her picture book debut with Whose Tracks? in 2018. She works as a pharmacist and researcher. Emma Jansson is an illustrator who finds her inspiration in the woods. She works with photography, graphic form and illustration.

Press voices

Facts on rhyme, detailed woodland illustrations and poop, can’t become anything other than a success.” Barnbokstips