I Like, Therefore I Am

I Like, Therefore I Am

Bernardo P. Carvalho & Isabel Meira

Original Title
Gosto, logo existo
Planeta Tangerina, 2020
Fiction 12-15
Rights Sold
Portuguese (SA)
Chinese (simplified)
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I Like, Therefore I Am

Bernardo P. Carvalho & Isabel Meira

For you, there probably isn’t a time before and after the internet.

When you were born, everything was already connected, so it’s hard for you to think of the world working in any other way. However, the internet has made — and is still making — a lot of changes in the world, including on the news.

Enabled by the internet, invisible giants like Google or Facebook appeared. Although they’re not news companies, they transformed the way we have access to information. On social media, the news seem to appear at supersonic speed and views, likes and shares can reach millions. The problem is — so can rumors and lies.

We got used to receiving information and disinformation that reaches us through secret algorithms; to have routines in virtual worlds; to communicate with abbreviations and emojis. We live in a huge bubble of likes and shares.

But do we actually know the rules of this game? What’s the impact of all this on our relationships with the world and on our decisions?

This book believes that it’s important to ask questions and that you can’t find all the answers on Google.

For readers of all ages (ages 12 and up).

Recommended — National Reading Plan (Portugal)